Truth be told I’m struggling to get out of holiday mode. I’ve found too many good books and the fireplace just makes the living room far too cozy.

Just a couple of things…

  1. Shipping is back on. Canada Post has gone back to work (for now) and we’re back to shipping art like normal. I am still waiting for a Christmas gift to arrive however.

  2. I have some potential leads on shipping larger artwork to look into. Hopefully they pan out. I am currently hesitant to work on really large pieces just because they’ll have no option but to fill my home and I’m running out of wall space. This would really be a game changer.

  3. I’m hoping to start sharing more regularly again. Why does it seem like I say this every couple of years? Regardless, look for monthly updates from me starting February (fingers crossed).

    That is if I can put this book down.

xo M
