marcy penner marcy penner


Truth be told I’m struggling to get out of holiday mode. I’ve found too many good books and the fireplace just makes the living room far too cozy.

Just a couple of things…

  1. Shipping is back on. Canada Post has gone back to work (for now) and we’re back to shipping art like normal. I am still waiting for a Christmas gift to arrive however.

  2. I have some potential leads on shipping larger artwork to look into. Hopefully they pan out. I am currently hesitant to work on really large pieces just because they’ll have no option but to fill my home and I’m running out of wall space. This would really be a game changer.

  3. I’m hoping to start sharing more regularly again. Why does it seem like I say this every couple of years? Regardless, look for monthly updates from me starting February (fingers crossed).

    That is if I can put this book down.

xo M

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marcy penner marcy penner


Just a quick little shipping update…

During the Canada Post strike we’ll be pausing our shipping. You can still pick up art and prints in person but our shipping options simply won’t exist until the strike has concluded.

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marcy penner marcy penner


A little bit of what January looked like according to my photo roll.

The rearranging of the studio.

Slowing stepped back into painting near the end of the month. While I’m fully aware that loss is neither exclusive to myself or a new concept it totally has taken the wind out of my sails creatively these past couple of months.

A few foggy mornings on the farm.

Preparing minis to warm up these rusty paintings muscles.

Trusty sidekick. I could talk for hours about notebooks, especially Travelers Notebooks, and pencils. Weird that no one ever asks me to.

The dresser that temporarily resides in the studio until Spring arrives and I can get it into the workshop to refinish it.

A book I’ve been on the hunt for for ages. It’s been years since I’ve read it and can’t wait to dive in again.

A new-to-me cabinet for the studio.

Wishing the snow that blanketed the farm in early January was still there. I’ll leave this photo here in the meantime.

Goodbye January. It’s been a slice.

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